Tips & Inspiration for Motherhood & Business
The MOMpire Blog
Long Hair and the Business Mom
As a business mom, I have the best of both worlds. I eat breakfast with my toddler at her own pace, and I work in the evenings at my own pace. My...
Tax Tips for Mompreneurs
Hey Boss Mamas! In case the TV commercials haven't tipped you off, it's tax season. That special time of the year when we shift our focus from...
7 Tips for Pumping at Work
It was four months after my child was born that I realized how much I didn't know about pumping my milk. I had been pumping and freezing extra milk...
5 Signs that you are Over-Managing your Time
We want more. More money, more work, more playing with our kids, more self-care, more connecting with our friends, more Netflix binges, more...
3 Things No One Told You About Maternity Leave
Hi Boss Mamas! If you're reading this, you've probably left your job for a few weeks at some point to have a baby. If you're like me, the rare...
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