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Business Bestie: Also Known as Referal Partner

by | Oct 14, 2021 | Business

You’ve heard it too right? The term “business bestie” is being thrown around all over social media. At first I kind of smirked because it’s a bit “cutesie” to me.  But, as I watched mamas attach to it, I saw the beauty of it.  What they felt was special about a “business bestie,” I saw in my referral partners, and in the partnerships, I saw our MOMpire Network members developing. And while I call “business besties” referral partners, that model is something I preach!


If you’ve been around MOMpire for any amount of time, you may have heard me talk (or write) about Referral Partnerships. The concept of developing successful referral partners through genuine, deep, and fruitful connections is at the core of what MOMpire is all about. This is exactly what a business bestie should be.


The MOMpire Network is a space where business besties (referral partnerships) are born and bred…it’s magical.


So what is a business bestie anyway?


I’m not sure there is an actual definition for the term “business bestie,” so I’m going to give you my interpretation. I don’t have a simple statement to convey what a business bestie is and should be. But I have some ideas of what they are and are NOT. 

2 business besties having drinks at a restaurant

Here are some things a business bestie is NOT:

  • They aren’t someone that comes to you venting, complaining, or gossiping about others in your space.
  • A business bestie doesn’t ask you for free or discounted services.
  • They are NOT just a cheerleader to make you feel good.


Here are some things a business bestie IS:

  • They are someone who knows your business well and knows who you serve.
  • They are someone that refers clients to you any chance they get.
  • A Business Bestie is someone whose ideal client is the same as your ideal client.
  • They are an accountability partner.
  • They not only cheer you on…but they can also become a sounding board for your ideas
  • A Business Bestie is a collaboration partner.
  • They are literal lifelong friends.


How having a business bestie can benefit your solopreneur journey


I’m so passionate about referral partnerships and community that I’ve based almost every bit of MOMpire’s messaging around it. Moms in business are in desperate need of community. And not only does community help us feel supported, loved, and accepted, our businesses can be 100% fueled by referrals alone. This is how my husband and I built our 7 figure law firm. It’s how I created, grew, and sold my own organization business. And it’s how MOMpire accidentally became a business that I’ve become so passionate about.


In addition, having a business bestie (also known as a referral partner) can bring on other business opportunities like collaboration projects, roundtable discussions, and networking in new communities.


If you’re a solopreneur, I want you to understand that you are, in no way, doing this alone. And if you are, you’re missing out on potential business opportunities as well as genuine lifelong friendships.

five women at a networking event having fun and making business connections

How to identify the perfect business bestie for you


There is a quick and simple 3 step process to finding your perfect business bestie. And just a reminder….you can have more than one bestie…in fact, it’s encouraged.


Step 1: Someone you like


Just like besties in real life, this person has to be someone you enjoy being around. You’ll be spending time with them on coffee co-working dates and maybe even some wine nights. If you can picture being friends with her “in real life,” you’re golden.


Step 2: Someone whose values align with your values


It’s important to connect with those who have similar values. Not to say that you can be in community with women who think differently or have differing opinions…because we know that’s important…but if you are going to take your business bestie relationship to the next level, it’s a smoother process when you are connecting with those who share common ground with you. It’s a sturdy foundation to build upon.


Step 3: Someone who has the same ideal client as you or a business that complements yours


This is one of the most vital steps that is not quite as obvious. The most successful referral partnerships develop because both parties serve or have access to the same ideal client. 


So if you’re a website designer, here would be some examples of great business besties:


  • Copywriter
  • SEO expert
  • Blog Writer
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Social Media Manager


You can see how a copywriter might have a client that doesn’t yet have a website designer. Or how a Social Media Manager’s client might be looking to get their website off the ground. These services all complement each other without being competitive. 

group of 4 women dressed in business attire taking a group photo

In the End, It’s All About Community


It’s hard to put into words how much a community of business badass mamas have changed my life. I’ve seen friendships flourish, referral partnerships form, and real business taking place. Community is it. Connection is it. It’s what will propel your business to the next level without getting in the way of the life you’ve envisioned for yourself. 

graphic that reads "the mompire network"

Join Us In The MOMpire Network Membership where we create genuine connections, connect with other mamas and referral partners, thrive in community with each other, and make real business deals.