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How to Grow a Successful Business Without Big Resources

by | Jun 7, 2021 | Business

You hear it all the time in this industry…DREAM BIG. And I get it. Dreaming big is what MOMpire is all about. For women to literally build the business made of their wildest dreams. YES! But sometimes there is a preconceived notion that when you dream BIG…everything else has to be BIG too. But we want to let you know that you can grow a successful business without big resources.


You don’t need a big team, a huge budget, or a grand idea.  What you need is the RIGHT people. The RIGHT resources, and the RIGHT idea.

You don’t need a big team to grow a successful business

You hear it all the time….that you need to outsource and delegate if you are going to scale your business. And although I admit that “nobody can do it all,” there are ways to set up the foundation of your business so that outsourcing and delegating is automated and simple. 


You can grow a big and successful business without hiring a big team to get you there

You don’t need a huge budget to grow a successful business


Oh boy. This one irks me because money often stops my amazing mompreneur friends from taking that first step. You do NOT need to invest in a $5,000 course or $10,000 coaching program to be successful.  


And beyond startup cash, I witness many moms fall victim to a combination of squirrel syndrome and a lack of business foundations, sending them desperately searching for a “solution” to make their business profitable… and most of the time, there’s a simple, straightforward fix that doesn’t drain the bank.


You don’t need a grand idea to grow a successful business


Lastly, you don’t need to be the new Facebook or Amazon to grow a successful business. For most of my friends, agroup of women at an event participating in a ice breaker activity successful business is defined as one that allows them to enjoy what they do, support their family, have financial freedom, and spend time with their loved ones. 


So here’s the great thing about growing a successful business…success looks different for everyone. For some $5,000 a month is where it’s at. For some…$10,000 a month….for some $100,000 a month. That’s the beauty of it. All business can grow to whatever point you want it to.


“Well then, how do you do it, Ashley? What DO I NEED?” I feel like I’ve been a negative Nancy so far in this…and I’m sorry about that. 😉 But don’t worry, I’m showing up big with the answers to your questions. 


So here are, at the core, the things you need to have a shot at growing a successful business.

You need the RIGHT people


Boy, do I have a lot to say about the “right” people because it means a lot of different things to me. I’ll try to be brief. Having the right people comes in a few different ways:


Your community:

Surrounding yourself with like-minded women who get what you’re going through, can help mastermind and help you come up with solutions, and continue to encourage you is INVALUABLE. In short, having a network of other mamas is crucial. I even wrote about this concept –> If You’re Not Investing in Community, You Guarantee Failure.


Your referral partners:community of women at a brunch taking a group photo

When you surround yourself with the right community, finding the perfect referral partner is a direct result. These are the people that will shout your name (and business) from the rooftops!


Your team:

Again, I know that we can’t do it all alone…but you don’t need a huge team to scale a successful business. What you need is the RIGHT team.


You need the RIGHT resources


I mentioned that you don’t need to invest in high ticket items (like a course or coaching) in order to grow your successful business. And I want to say something here…I don’t think that investing in these things are a bad thing. I’ve done it, and I haven’t regretted it. 


But I’m here to tell you that if this isn’t a possibility for you in your business right now, it’s ok! I promise you that success does not depend on how much money you can invest in your business.


What you need are the RIGHT resources. Resources can come in the form of people (see above), and it can come in the form of tools. MOMpire is so passionate about helping moms grow their successful businesses that we created the Mama’s Business Plan to Profit resource. My favorite part…it’s only $37 to have all of the tools you need to start and grow your business on a LEGIT foundation. (Yes, I’m a lawyer…so it’s very thorough) 😉

graphic that says "mama's business plan to profit"

You need the RIGHT idea


The third part of this trifecta is having the RIGHT idea. So I guess when I hear “dream big,” to me this means, “dream the dream that makes your heart soar.” The right ideas are usually simple. They are ones that you can picture yourself doing without dragging your heels in the mud. The right ideas allow you to solve a problem for others and bring you joy in doing so.


So if you think you need a GRAND idea from the start, just remember that the founders of AirBnB literally blew up an air mattress and charged people to sleep on it while they were in town.  Mind-blowingly simple… right?!?


People assume that big money comes from all of the BIG. But the truth, big business comes from the right strategy. Get it right and you’ll start making real money.

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