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Success is More Than Talent, It’s a Choice

by | Mar 22, 2021 | Business

We make decisions EVERY SINGLE DAY. Google even says that the average person makes approximately 35,000 decisions a day. WHAT?! How are we even functioning, mama!? And when it comes to success…it’s our decisions that matter.


But here’s the thing, there’s ONE decision that keeps you from accomplishing your dreams. And it’s this…


The decision to put yourself out there.


The difference between the person who “makes it” and the person who doesn’t

women at a networking event chatting and smiling

Putting Yourself Out There.

They haven’t made the choice to say, “I’m doing this!”


Mama… even if it’s with imperfect action, doing the next right thing is all you have to do. (cue Anna from Frozen 2) Put yourself out there. Tell people who you are and what you do, and most importantly how you can serve them.



There are going to be times in your business where you aren’t getting the results that you want. Maybe you aren’t getting the leads, the referrals, or the clients that you want. If this keeps you from moving forward and continuing to show up for yourself and your dreams…you won’t make it. Everyone, no matter how successful, had about ten million obstacles to overcome. You’re. Not. Alone.



Grit is more than just persistence. It’s the ability to bring passion to your persistence. To have a mindset that, “I’m going to freaking figure this out not matter what,” kinda attitude. It’s completely failing, but getting right back up because you view failing as an opportunity to learn. Sharpen that iron, mama.


Let me tell you about the time I failed in public


Speaking of failing, over a year ago, when we rebranded from Mommies Hiring Mommies to MOMpire, we launched an online business directory that I was super passionate about.  I wanted a way for mom entrepreneurs to showcase themselves online…well, the world wasn’t ready for that, and I didn’t know how to or have marketing team to push it hard enough. 


Even though there were plenty of mamas who joined, and mamas who received leads from it, it never achieved the grand vision that I had for it. That was a public failure for me. I put something out there, and it didn’t pan out the way it was intended to. And it broke my heart and took a lot of processing to make the decision to pull the directory down and save it for the future. I’m human. Failure hurts.


But here I am, right? MOMpire is still here. The community of AMAZING women is still here. The collaborations, the sisterhood, and the referral connections are all still here. 


I was my own worst critic. 


The only person judging your failure is YOU! If other people are judging it, it’s because they aren’t willing to put themselves out there like you have so bravely done.


Remember, you don’t have to be the most badass anything. You just have to be YOU.  You are the secret sauce that people are waiting for.

a big group of women at a networking event

Community is important.

So I’m on my soapbox here, am I right? “Just put yourself out there! Go do this…go do that!” I do get that it’s not that success isn’t that simple…especially if you don’t have a community of like-minded women and subject matter experts around you! That’s why I am so proud and passionate about the network of women we have created at the MOMpire. 

If you want to hear more about this story, you can check out the podcast episode here!

graphic that reads "the mompire network"

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